Tsunami Martial Arts
Tsunami Martial Arts

48 Beeston Road
Sheringham Norfolk NR26 8EJ

Tel 07866 756 409

Welcome to Tsunami Martial Arts

At Tsunami Martial Arts we offer a variety of Martial Arts classes suitable for all; no matter what your age, experience or level of physical fitness.

Our friendly school believes in the positive motivation and encouragement of all students.

Our adults classes promote health, fitness, self defence and traditional martial arts, whilst our children's classes aim to develop character, in addition to teaching physical skills for anti-bullying and self defence.

We encourage participation of the whole family and have many parents training in our adults classes.

The classes are safe, fully insured and taught by NVQ qualified instructors

Starting from a small school of around 10 people in Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire back in 1980 our club has grown and spread throughout West London and now also in North Norfolk, teaching every weekday to over 400 students of all ages and abilities.


Our popular adult classes are taught separately to the children as both syllabus and learning style are different. Qualified instructors teach traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate and effective self defence.

Training includes: All of the Traditional Shotokan Karate techniques and forms, Kickboxing, Close Quarter fighting techniques, Power Sourcing, Joint Locks, Pressure Points, Grappling, Ground Work, Chi Kung, meditation and much much more.

No previous experience is necessary and you are never too old to start!

Personal benefits from regular attendance include:

* Effective self defence
* Improved health and fitness
* Stress reduction
* Greater confidence and motivation
* Self discipline
* Balance, control and flexibility training

Frequently asked questions......

What about my level of fitness?

Physically Karate enhances strength, coordination, stamina, balance and flexibility. What’s more, you are learning to defend yourself whilst you exercise!

Karate trains the mind as well as the body, resulting in improved self-awareness, discipline, confidence and determination. Although at no time will you be forced to do anything you do not want to - we will encourage you to push through your perceived limits, and beyond. Karate will also test you emotionally. You will learn to control fear and anger whilst developing an ‘indominatable spirit.’ Not only will you become more confident that you can defend yourself, but your confidence to tackle all of life's trials will grow.

What style of karate do you teach?

Shotokan karate is one of the most popular styles of Karate practiced today, with literally millions of practitioners worldwide. Typically Shotokan Karate is a very hard style that does not often include such things as hook punches, grappling, throwing and sensitivity drills. However, we believe that these are essential skills for all round effective self defence and therefore include them in our training syllabus.

How long until I progress to the next 'belt?' (Gradings)

We appreciate that every person is different and will progress at a different rate, however it is important to set proper goals and achievable targets. In martial arts these goals are coloured belts – starting at white and gradually getting darker until you reach Black Belt. Every student follows a defined training programme and is provided with a ‘training pack’ detailing the syllabus expected for each grade. The syllabus is modular and takes students progressively through the entire system.

Can I train with my children?

On occassion we hold a session where parents and children train together. However, as we are sure you can appreciate, the things that can be taught to children must differ from that taught to adults. In addition the way in which children are taught and learn is different to the adults.... we are sure that most adults are not that interested it getting badges like the cubs and scouts! For this reason our adults classes are taught separately.
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