Levity Health
Levity Health
Level 1, 38 - 40 Bronte Road
Bondi Junction, Sydney
NSW 2022, Australia
Phone:(02) 9389 0278
Fax:(02) 9389 0280
Levity Health is located in Bondi Junction and our aim is to set the Gold Standard for Healthcare within Australia.
We want to show you that health is not a privilege; it is your birthright. It is our job to empower you with the skills and knowledge necessary for you to choose to lead a vital & healthy life.
Personal Training
Have you ever wondered why one type of exercise works for one person and not for another? Do you feel pain, discomfort, tension or tightness in the same areas or muscles again and again?
"If you're not assessing, you're guessing"
If you’re interested in Personal Training at LeVity, the first thing that one of the trainers will do is to sit down with you to discuss your specific wants and needs. From this initial consultation, the trainer will be able to decide what kind of training will suit you the most and if you have any potential health issues that should be cleared before you begin physical activity.
Our trainers use an in depth methodology to assess exactly how your body is functioning and show you how to stretch, exercise and move for your body. One size does not fit all.
We use the most up to date training techniques combined with the latest gym technology to provide you with interesting workouts that are fun and actually get you results. Our clients and colleagues alike agree that our gym setup is amazing.
Improve your posture, help resolve pain or past injuries, tone your body and maximise your performance at work and at play.
For more information about training at LeVity or to receive a complimentary 60min Personal Training Session valued at $119, please call LeVity on 02 9389 0278.
© 2008 Levity Health