Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing
Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing
Oberon Tennis Club
Ross Street
Oberon, NSW
Tel: 63360036
AEROBIC DANCING was created by Jacki Sorensen in America in 1969 and has been in Australia since 1981. Based on dance instead of repetitive exercise, it's never boring, always fun, and you'll be motivated to keep coming. Whether you're new to exercise or already fit, good at dancing or a two-left-footer, a teenager or a grandparent, you'll trim, tone and burn fat while strengthening your heart and lungs and working every muscle in your body − safely.
We present four sessions per year; most run 10 weeks coinciding with school terms. The music and choreography change every term. Students may attend any Jacki’s class, mixing instructors and venues to suit their own schedule.
Erik T. Royds Pty Limited trading as Jacki’s Aerobic Dancing has the sole legal and contractual rights for the Jacki’s Aerobic Dancing system in Australia.
Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing © 2010 .