address: Level 1
500 Miller Street
Cammeray NSW 2062
phone: 02 9922 4429
0417 882 263

personal training gym

it's all about you!

It doesn’t have to be that hard!!!!
Everybody’s body is different, lifestyles are different, food preferences are different. The information out there is contradictory! Accentu8 trainers work one-on-one with you to help you discover what works for you. This makes our 30 minute workouts far more effective than hours per week spent training on your own or with a “gym trainer” at a gym or in a group exercise situation. Our clients achieve amazing results training one-on-one at Accentu8 for 30 minutes even once per week! This saves you time and money.

No Memberships - No Crowds - No Waiting for Equipment
If you train with a personal trainer at a gym, or most studios, you end up paying your trainer to waste time with you waiting for members to finish using the equipment – especially at peak times such as before and after work and on the weekends. At Accentu8 we don’t have members, so no-one trains alone, which frees up the equipment for you and your session.

Only Pay for What You Use!
At Accentu8, we don't believe in never-ending contracts that suck money from your bank account every month whether you use the gym or not! You buy a pack of sessions and book each one in to suit you.

Need to change your appointment at short notice? Our 24hr cancellation policy leaves you free to go on unexpected business trips or move your sessions to suit your family or other commitments without losing money.

Can You Spare 30 Minutes Once a Week to Dramatically Improve Your Health This Year?
All Accentu8 packages are obligation-free, so why not try a 6-week starter pack today?

Copyright © 2009 Accentu8
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